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AsterCrystal – Offizielles Profil:
I am a sociable, sweet girl who loves sex very much. I love slowly and romantically, I love hard and dirty, I like to try new things, the best feeling for me is an orgasm in a rush of passion. I can become an integral part of your fantasies, dive into the world of pleasure with me. We can have so much fun, my love :* Let yourself be surprised by my versatility and watch just a few videos with me and you will know exactly what I mean...
BY THE WAY, if you think I am sexy ;-) just click favorites under my profile picture and then we can always see each other in text chat when we are online.
23 J.
70 B
159 cm
52 kg
4 Fotos
14 Fotos
27 Fotos
your beautiful brunette
AsterCrystal ist zu diesen Zeiten in der Cam:
Mo. Montag Di. Dienstag Mi. Mittwoch Do. Donnerstag Fr. Freitag Sa. Samstag So. Sonntag
20:00 - 24:00
00:00 - 04:00
20:00 - 24:00
00:00 - 04:00
20:00 - 24:00
00:00 - 04:00
20:00 - 24:00
00:00 - 04:00
Meine krasseste Sexfantasie
Wie lange bist du schon Amateur?
I work as a video model from June 2024 <3
Wie ist es dazu gekommen, dass du Amateur geworden bist?
I became an amateur through the studio, but later I work on my own. I started out of curiosity, and over time I discovered that this is what I like to do <3
Was war dein bisher schönstes Erlebnis als Amateur?
My best experiences are with men who created a scenario for us to have fun with and then put it into practice <3 (in front of the camera)
Was machst du am liebsten in deiner Freizeit?
In his free time he is involved in investments, studying, gym, reading books, personal development and running a business
Treibst du gerne Sport, wenn ja welchen?
I love every k**d of sport <3 especially gymnastics, weightlifting, swimming,
Was isst du am liebsten?
I love yogurts hahaha Italian dishes, vegan, home-cooked dinner is the best <3
Was ist dein liebstes alkoholisches Getränk?
I don't drink alcohol <3
Womit hast du dein erstes Geld verdient?
I worked as a cleaner at a gym.
Welche Musik hörst du am liebsten?
rock, pop, hip-hop
Was war dein letztes Konzert, das du besucht hast?
stand-up f**king awesome
Welche prominente Person würdest du gerne einmal treffen?
Dennis Lloyd <3
Wo warst du in deinem letzten Urlaub?
germany bavaria - munich
An welchem Ort würdest du am liebsten leben?
far from civilization <3 or spain
Was ist dein größter Wunsch?
the BIGGEST wish is to have a lot of sex toys, sex costumes and erotic lingerie <3
Was an dir selbst magst du am liebsten?
That I am myself <3
Was ist deine schlechteste Eigenschaft?
I'm stubborn <3
Wem vertraust du am meisten?
Wie wichtig ist dir Aussehen?
For me appearance is very important <3
Was macht Menschen für dich attraktiv?
there are many attractive people <3 and it depends ... someone may be attractive because of their eyes, for me, and another will be attractive because of their sense of humor or distance to humor ... it all depends on the person you ARE... Generally, it's hair, hands, eyes, well-groomed, lips, chest, smile, character, legs, breasts, ass, arms, complexion, <3
Was ist das wichtigste bei einem Sexpartner für dich?
the most important thing in a sexual partner is COMMUNICATIVENESS, activity, desire for novelty, visual attractiveness, NOT EGOISM, respecting boundaries and not crossing boundaries <3
Triffst du dich häufig mit Leuten, die du im Internet kennenlernst?
No... maybe you can change that?
Von welchem sexuellen Erlebnis träumst du noch?
group sex
Was macht richtig guten Sex für dich aus?
a pleasure for both of us
Wie häufig brauchst du Sex?
More than once a day :*
Welche Erfahrungen hast du mit gleichgeschlechtlichem Sex bisher gemacht?
3 woman
Wie würdest du das Gefühl eines Orgasmus beschreiben?
I feel warm all over <3 and my whole body is shaking <3 the pleasure that spreads throughout my whole body
In welcher Position kommst du am liebsten?
d***y styl, o**l sex,
Was ist dein Lieblings Sexspielzeug?
I love toys from lovense the most <3 domi, sex machine, lush
Was ist wichtiger: die Größe oder die Technik?
it and it
Was geht beim Sex für dich gar nicht?
if someone doesn't respect boundaries
Du bist auf der Suche nach...?